Friday, June 18, 2010

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

I still don't get why we do.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

To protect our private areas. People didn't use to have clothes. That's where your babies come from, so nature made it hairy to be protected.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

my theory is it is there to help keep warm your most vulnerable places..

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

Hair in these parts (nose, ears, vagina, eyelashes) are there to protect your body from "bugs" that are floating in the air. . .

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

same reason guys do...

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

to keep out those pesky little parasites like, penises

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

It actually helps to keep infections and foreign objects out. It is a biological protective barrier..

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

i have no clue, I wish there was no hair growing anywhere on my body except my head

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

the above is definetely why.. i just hate that we do.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

Probably the same reason men have nipples

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

to protect our vagina from dirt and other things that might go in it.

same as why we have eye brows, so sweat wont run into our eyes.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

hair acts as a lubercant. Think about it.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

Cause you were created that way!

Stop trying to change the fact!

Thats just how it is!

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

It acts as a protection for bacteria and stuff like that protecting are most important organs the only one that keep our race going.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

why ask s/t like that?

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

not just girl!!boy too.and i like to know why too lol

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

Its supposed to be a protection barrier...I don't remember exactly against what or whatever, but do a search on pubic hair and you'll get some answers.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

Hmmmmmm thats pretty wierd but thanx for 2 points

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?


Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

natural to protct your privite part

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

The pubic hair on the vulva forms a protective barrier to the more delicate tissues of the vagina and the cervix.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

It is a form of barrier. Hope this helps

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

i think girls started growing hair after the term "bump warm fuzzies" was coined

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

Because ingrown hairs hurt when you shave!

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

One of the reason why you have hair in the lower area is, it is there to carry your scent which attracts males.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?


Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

I disagree with the protection theory. If that were the case, we'd be born with pubes and other hair in the underarms, legs, etc. I think the appearance of hair after puberty is meant to signify sexual maturity. Or at least it was supposed to...most of us shave it now.

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

It provides warmth and padding, and traps dirt and germs that can get inside and cause an infection

Why do we girls grow hair in the lower area?

To keep it clean and protect it.

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