Thursday, November 26, 2009

How can I grow my hair FAST withouth those pills and stuff? I have..?

straight and black hair--layered. I just got it cut and it doesnt look that bad but I miss tying up my hair into ponytails. I need a efficent way to make it grow super FAST.

My hair grows relly fast already. About a millimeter every two days. But I would like it to be super long by the time school starts.


How can I grow my hair FAST withouth those pills and stuff? I have..?

Trim your hair tips every 4-6 weeks.

How can I grow my hair FAST withouth those pills and stuff? I have..?

Prenatal vitamins make your hair and nails grow fast.

How can I grow my hair FAST withouth those pills and stuff? I have..?

I suggest putting your hair in braids at night with a sponge curler on the end, slightly damp. This keeps your hair from breaking off and damage occuring during the night!!

How can I grow my hair FAST withouth those pills and stuff? I have..?

Nioxin claims to speed hair growth and make your hair thicker. I'm not sure if it really works, but my stylist always thinks my hair grows fast. I use the shampoo, 'scalp treatment' and the leave in spray. You can buy it in salons that carry a variety of products, like Trade Secret. I'm sure you can find it online.

How can I grow my hair FAST withouth those pills and stuff? I have..?

you just need to be patient, it will grow before you know it.

How can I grow my hair FAST withouth those pills and stuff? I have..?

u cant really make ur hair grow faster

but if u are healthier, ur hair will prolly be stronger and longer.

if u want a ponytail, i suggest letting some layers out and make a cute ponytail. or u can clip sections of the hair with little grl barrettes which is cute too.

How can I grow my hair FAST withouth those pills and stuff? I have..?

1.put coconut oil in ur hair

2. Drink water(LOTS)

3. Execerise %26amp; eat Healthy

4. Stand on your head for 10 mins (5min in the morning%26amp; 5 mins at night)

5. go to wal-mart and get this tablets called "Hair, Skin, %26amp;Nails"....=]

6. BE PATIENT!!!! =]


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