Thursday, November 26, 2009

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

I have a diamond face shape, and it's hard to find a good hairstyle to match me. Because I always need something with volume on top, since my forehead is small and narrow and i have very wide cheekbones. Will long hair match me? Should I grow it out? And will I be able to achieve volume on top? Or will it weigh it down? Plz HELP!!

pic- (I'm on the left)

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

go for it, you would look great with long hair!

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

You're soo cute:) lol i like your hair, and i'd say no to long..

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

no leave it lyk it is

yer goergous hun!!

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

your very pretty now and yes grow you hair out you will be even more pretty =]

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

I think you look beautiful the way your hair is now. I think that is the perfect haiir length!

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

thats a cute picture maybe you want a cut with some layers. it will put some depth in your hair that you want. if not you can add volume to any cut but getting a roller set or a round brush set. good luck

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

I think the hairstyle you have right now suits you. You could try something with layers at the chin area to even out the width of your cheekbones. I think long hair (unless it had lots of layers) would accentuate the width of your face because it would be kind of flat and weighed down, you know?

I think you would look good with a side part and side-swept long bangs with layers or curls at your chin!

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

personally, i grew my hair long and i hated it. so my advice is not to grow it out. but thats just my opinion.

Should I grow out my hair (with pic)??????????????

i like the way ur hair, ur very pretty

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