Friday, June 18, 2010

Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?

i want my hair to grow faster then just 1/2 inch per month i know it wont grow over night or anything just maybe afew inches more inm a month is there anything i can do ?

Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?

Yes, I have had my hair in braids for more than four years. It has grown so much, I've had to cut it several times. My hair has grown tremendously because I'm not messing with it everyday so it stops breakage. Also it's low maintenance. You just have to make sure to wash it and put on a conditioner every so many weeks to keep it healthy. And when you take it down you have these pretty natural crinkles in your hair.

Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?

What is a beaid ?

Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?

i think the y sell spcial syrups in durg stores that make your hair grow faster.

Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?

Well, if you are talking about a long-term one, say for at least 2-3 weeks, then yes, because you dont brush it for awhile, thus preventing breakage.

Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?

yeah in extentions it helps alot as long as u take care of ur braids

Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?


Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?

What the hell is a beaid???

Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?

its not the braid that makes it grow faster, its the fact that you are leaving your hair alone, and not messing with it every day. when we brush and dry and style it damages our hair, in braids, it lets you leave it alone.

Also if you wear your hair in brades, the braides can make your scalp produce more natural oil, and helps coat the hair, which is good.

Is it true that when you put your hair in a beaid it will grow a bit faster?

your hair grows from the folicle which is fed by blood. massage and or brushing stimulates blood flow and the natural oils produced condition the hair.


hairdresser in mi.

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